Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our New Short-termer

Dear everybody,

Last Wednesday, our family jumped into the van and headed to the Temuco airport to pick up a new member of our family. A few months ago, our general director of the mission wrote to the missionaries to give them the opportunity of inviting, Bethany Heckman,a short-termer to live with them for a year. After some prayer we decided to respond and invite Bethany into our home. Through emails we started to get to know each other better and also introduced our family to her. Her desire was to minister primarely to missionary kids on the mission field.

Little by little we are getting to know her better. The kids have fallen in love with her and I really appreciate her sweet spirit and willingness to serve. She will be homeschooling the boys and helping us in the camping ministry here in Lican. She is learning to use the little Spanish she knows already and spends time every day studying the Spanish books she brought with her.

We thank the Lord for bringing Bethany into our family and ministry this year.

Here is a picture of her trying out "Mate", a south american tea, for the first time.
Thank you for praying for Bethany as she adjusts to a new home life, new responsibilities, and a new culture.



Jim and Darlene said...

I see her holding the "mate" but did she really drink it is the question! I'm sure this is just the beginning of many new and exciting "firsts" in Chile. Thanks for including the picture and the kind introduction of Beth to your family.

Darlene Heckman

Jewel Butler said...

Beth- You look very comfortable there while we are up here freezing in below zero temps. Take care, praying for you, Mrs. B