Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been too long!!!!

Dear everybody,
Posting on the blog is so easy and I don't really have any good excuse for not having written. So, my apologies for the great lapse of time between posts for all of you who faithfuly come on the blog. Thanks for not giving up on us! We do appreciate your prayers.

Our biggest news as of late is not concerning camp. It isn't about Chile or Lican Ray either.

It really is important to us though as a family and that is that we will be welcoming a new member of the family in May 2010.

YES! I am expecting again. I have just finished my third month of pregnancy and I am feeling ok. Some of you might know this and some of you might not, but I was very sick during my other three pregnancies. We are thankful that this one has been milder. I do covet your prayers concerning my health and the baby's for the remaining 6 months. We will be extremely busy with camps and ministry responsibilities for the summer, but are so excited about this new gift from God.



tscarter7 said...

We are soooo excited about your big news!!!! Hannah wanted to know if the baby's name will start with an "M"?!! :) We are praying for you! Love, all the Carters xoxoxo

Julie said...

Well...Congrats, how exciting!! Miss you a lot Liz & your fam!