Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear everybody,

So it's been a month since I have posted on this blog of ours. I wish I had an excuse but I don't. If I were to claim some reasons for not writing, here would be some of them:

1) Our busy time has begun: We are hosting churches over the weekends while finishing up the last few projects on our "to-do" list before the summer rush starts in January.

2) I am half way through my pregnancy: which means I am either overly tired or trying to catch up on some rest. I have been enjoying a pregnancy where my kids are older and a little more independent. They have helped around the house but still there are many needs that only Mom can meet.

3) Teaching end of the year Bible studies: my ladies Bible study in Lican ended and thanks to God's working in hearts, it ended well. I am so pleased to have been His instrument in teaching these past few months. It took many hours of preparation and studying the Bible in Spanish! Not only did I teach the Lican Bible study but also the end of year retreat for the Liquine ladies. I don't know what is more nerve racking: teaching a group of ladies you have gotten to know over the course of a few months and think you should be doing better in Spanish or teaching a group of new ladies who don't know anything about you! But God is faithful and present in time of need. The words flowed and when they didn't, the ladies helped out! It was a blessing.

4) Work on camp and feeding extra people: Because we are attempting to finish projects, we have asked for more help. Victor and his son, Dan, have come to help. They are renovating a house that their family will live in during the summer on camp. While they worked on their kitchen, I fixed lunch and dinner for them. The last three months we have had very few days with just 5 people at the dinner table.

I could give many more reasons that would equaly fill you in on my lack of time lately to write but I did want to apologize to those who do follow the blog regularly.

Thank you for your prayers and interest in our family and ministry. We rely on every one of them!


1 comment:

Jenna said...

Thanks Liz! My lines of communication to your family are limited these days, so I really appreciate the blog! I will keep checking it and praying for your family during the coming months--Take Care!