Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Everybody,

Our kids camp, held January 3rd through 6th, was a blast! Our theme for the camp was a race around the world in three days. Each kid was given his own passport and "traveled" to three different continents during his stay.

Our speaker, Ricardo Green (works with CEF in Chile), spoke on turning our back to the things of the world. He did an excellent job of presenting the Gospel clearly to the 50 kids in attendance.

We thank the Lord for beautiful weather which made life on camp just that much more enjoyable. Can you imagine 50 kids cooped up in a small meeting hall? It was wonderful to enjoy the beauty of Lican Ray Bible Camp with no rain!

Continue to pray for the kids that participated in this year's camp. Some left having heard the gospel but not making a decision to trust Christ as Savior. Others did talk to their counselor and took another spiritual step in their walk with the Lord.

Favorite sport of all time!

Beach time!

Camp food YUM!

Thank you for praying,


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