Thursday, March 3, 2011

The NEW Gym

Dear everybody,

I have been meaning to write about the new gym on camp for quite a while but just didn't have any idea how to start the post. The whole project in itself involved a whirlwind of activities and even looking back at the pictures makes me tired!

It all started with a donation from the United States. This large donation came with one condition: it had to be used before the end of the year (2010). There are so many things that could be improved on camp with investments like this one. After praying and thinking much, we decided on a covered gym. We needed a place for campers or churches to play when it was raining, and boy does it like to rain here! Many times, our main eating/meeting hall is packed with kids or families and there is no other place to go when the downpours start.

The architect drew up the plans and later we submitted them to the municipality. After receiving the approval, a team of volunteers from Washington State came to camp to work on the project. Our family did the running around and the hosting for this group of 7 men. They were on camp 2 weeks and got this major project done. It involved: pouring the footings, welding up all the trusses, and then laying the roofing.

Micah learned a bit about welding with the help of Mister Dave.

The work days were long and harduous but this group of guys did it with smiles on their faces, even on very wet days. We can never be able to repay all that they did but they will receive their reward someday in heaven.

We made sawhorses for the work team before they arrived.

Almost complete!

Even before this work team came, there was much prep work to be done. Another team came, led by Pastor Bill Park.

the Pennsylvania work crew

We had to clear the site of a few trees and get the stumps out. The team also worked on our new work shop getting the second floor put in. It was nice to finally have a secure place for tools and equipment.

Thank you to all the workers who came and made a difference at Lican Bible Camp. The Lord was faithful to burden hearts to give of their time, finances, and skill for the Lord's work here in Chile.

the Washington work crew


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