Tuesday, March 1, 2011

An Official Chilean Resident

Dear everybody,

When we arrived in Chile, November 2007, we started the process of getting my Chilean Residency Card. The first step was to secure a temporary 1 year visa. Having married a Chilean, and having 3 Chilean children made that process much easier. Once that expired we started the paperwork for the permanent residency card. Just yesterday, we picked it up. It is so nice to have this document in hand. It gives me the freedom to travel and also allows to me to stay in the country without having to secure another temporary visa.

Speaking of paperwork... Because Danny and the kids are chilean citizens we are in the process of securing their Chilean passports so we can leave the country come April. Thinking it would take a while, we went to the civil registry office as soon as we could to get the paperwork started. After filling out all the needed info, paying the fee and getting the pictures taken, we were flabergasted when they said we could come pick up the new passports in a week! That's amazing!

We count it as a blessing from the Lord that all this paperwork got done smoothly.


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