Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let the Sunshine In

Dear Everybody,

These past few days we have enjoyed some wonderful weather on camp.  We have focused our efforts at the new cabin site, clearing and burning brush.  The last thing we want is a cabin burried in trees.  We built a fire last week sometime and it hasn't gone out yet!  The weather here in our neck of the woods is perfect for growing trees and brush but not optimal when trying to keep cabins dry and free of mildew and humidity.  The work is non ending but we are making headway.  As we clear trees away from cabins we are seeing sun reach the forest floor and someday we hope to have some nice grassy areas around cabins.

Here is a BEFORE picture of the area we are working on:

This picture was taken looking towards Tabor and Galilea Cabins, beyond them is the plaza.

This is the same site AFTER.  You can now see Tabor Cabin and more daylight.  A few more trees fell that were right in front of the back entrance to this cabin since this picture was taken.

We thank the Lord for protcetion while we fall the trees.  Many dead limbs hang in these trees (widow makers).   We also are thankful for the nice weather which enables us to work.  Miguel finished digging the footings today and as soon as we have the specs we need Danny and he will lay out the form boards.  We already have another young man who wants to come and help when it's time to pour the cement footings.

After the big tree falls, Matti's job is to hack the limbs off with the hatchet

Micah was given his very own tree to fall.  He's learning how to do it safely!

Maddie's favortite place lately!

after working hard, it's time for a little rest 

Thank you for your continued prayers,


1 comment:

Farrells three said...

Great job everybody!! Just think of all of that nice firewood too.