Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Now About the Not-So Fun Part of furlough...

Dear everybody,

Can you tell I have been putting off writing this blog post? Well, even if it wasn't apparent I was putting it off! Sometimes, it's much easier to talk about fun stuff and positive things than to open up and be honest about those things that one is worried or scared about. But here it goes... These are the things that worry me about going on furlough (you'll notice that they are directly related to the positive things from the previous blog):

1) Having to say many good byes: We will say many good byes when we leave Chile and then once we leave the States in September we will have to say many again. You'd think we would be used to this part of missionary life but even with past experience it doesn't make it any easier.

Pray for our family as we learn to say goodbye.

2) Lots of moving around: For 41/2 months we will be staying in many different homes. This can get old after a while especially for young children. Before we go, Danny and I are working with the kids on their table manners and proper etiquette. (You mean you don't go up to greet everyone with a kiss on the cheek in the United States?)

Pray for grace and flexibility as we stay in different homes.

3) Visiting with our churches: Danny and I are getting prepared to repeat the same things over and over... Of course we are excited to share what the Lord has done but seeing our presentation for the umpteenth time can get boring.

Pray for energy and patience as we share in our churches.

4) Can we enjoy going "home" without gaining weight? I have asked myself that question over and over. I know this has been a struggle for many missionaries in the past.

Pray that we could control our cravings and find time to exercise along the way.

5) Going on furlough doesn't mean leaving all our responsibilities behind. While we will be back we will still be in contact with a few people in Chile who are helping get the next camping season together. There is sooo much to do and thankfully with today's technology we should be able to help even long distance.

Pray for diligence in answering emails and working on camp matters.

6) Meeting new people is not everyone's cup of tea. What will these new pastors think of us? Are our kids to "wild"? Will we commit a "faux pas" or two? More than likely yes

Pray that we would act Christ-like.

7) Traveling: We will be crossing the United States lengthwise TWICE! We will need much patience with each other in the van. Can this part of furlough be enjoyable? Maybe it could with a little creativity and a good dose of long-suffering!

Pray for safe and fun travels.

8) Ultimately we know we are serving the Lord but the thought has crossed my mind that maybe people will think we haven't done ENOUGH. Maybe there are no results to show for their investment in us as a family.

Pray for thankful hearts

9) Raising four children is not a piece of cake and doing it away from a normal home routine scares me. I'm sure the kids are going to miss Chile and what they have grown used to these past 3 1/2 years. We might be dealing with some new emotions and struggles.

Pray for diligence as parents to raise God-fearing children.
Pray for Micah, Matthias, Morgan and Madeline as they adjust to new settings.

10) Our walk with the Lord is the most important thing to us. In the Christian life, distractions can be our downfall, steering us away from what is good. Slowly one wastes time on the things that don't matter and can then easily fall into sin. It's a downward spiral that comes from not filling our lives with what matters most to the Lord. We want to keep growing in spiritual walk!

Pray that we would DO what is needed to stay on track spiritually.

Thanks for reading this post and understanding my heart behind these ten things. It is scary for me to think that I will hit the publish button and it will be "out there" for all to read. But I would hope that it will spur some of you to pray specifically for those 10 things and that when we see you in the United States, we can rejoice in answered prayer!



tscarter7 said...

Thank you for your honesty! Please know that we love you and will be praying specifically for these things you have listed. We can't wait to see you! We are excited about seeing your presentation!! (cuz we haven't seen it a dozen times ha ha) :)
And EVERYONE has kids that are wild at least sometimes! :) Oh, you ARE coming to Washington arent' you?!! love Susan for all the Carters

Jenna said...

I will definitely be thinking of you all during this time!...and will be praying that God blesses your family above all you could ask or think! Love and miss you all-- Should your travels take you near the southern tip of Lake Michigan-- let me know!! :)

Tyler & Brenda said...

We just returned from our furlough in February and I can completely understand everything you have just written. I would be pleased to pray for you and your family during your time in the US.
