Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 Days Worth of News

Dear Everybody,

After a few "out of the ordinary" days, today was back to our normal routine.  Let me explain what happened the other days.

Sunday:  We were all set to go to church, leaving a little early for a special Thanksgiving service at the Liquine church.  We piled into the car and after a half hour of drivning, we get to the part of the road that changes to dirt road.  The trip to our Liquine church is about 1 hour of dirt road driving and part of that is driving switchback roads on the side of the mountain.  Since we have started going to Liquine, the road is much improved.  There are more guardrails, wider roads, and new concrete bridges instead of the old wooden plank ones.  But there are still many accidents on the swichtbacks and on Friday a bus overturned and got caught in the trees on the cliff side of the mountain.  We knew about the bus but what we didn't know is that the authorities could not remove the bus during the storm so decided to remove it on Sunday when the weather was beautiful.  Well, as we approached the dirt road, a Carabinero (policeman)stopped our car and told us the road was closed to Liquine while they removed the bus.  So we drove home.  It was too late to go to any other church service so we had our own in our living room.  I think the Lord knew that the guys, after their trip and meetings, needed the rest.

all ready to go to church

Monday:  We celebrated 2 things on May 21st:  Morgan's 6th birthday and the 49th anniversary of the Bible Institute in Temuco where Danny teaches.  First, we went to Temuco.  The students and professors were invited to a lunch put on by the Institute.  It was a good time of fellowship and we enjoyed the wonderful food.  We went to Temuco early to get a few groceries and then right after the lunch we headed home.

I went right to work on making a pink cake with pink icing and sprinkles for Morgan.  Then wrapped her gifts. We decided to let her open them right after I got them wrapped since it was already late in the day.  I think she was surprised by each one.  We got her a pink helmet for roller blading, a new notebook, some hair ties, and some special paper for her crafts.  Morgan is our creative one.  She is always cutting, gluing, and coloring things.  We found a set of instruments for making paper crafst in Temuco.  It came with special hole punches, scissors that make design,s and an embossing kit.  She LOVED it!  I am telling myself to be patient with her because when she gets that stuff out, there tends to be confetti everywhere when she is done!  The boys enjoy working on crafts too so it's been fun so far.

new pink helmet

Tweetie Notebook

her craft kit

Madeline was sooooo sure that it was her birthday again!

Do you see the confused look on Maddie's face?

Tuesday:  Today, the kids were back in school.  They seem eager to just get their work done.  They're doing great and learning lots for which  I am thankful.  There is usually something to say about each subject at the the lunch table.  Morgan is doing much better with her reading skills so we are also thankful for that.  During that time, Danny studied for his class.  He is starting a series of classes on Catholicism.

 Miguel worked on getting the old cookstove from the old adminstrator's house up and running.  He had to replace just a few pieces of metal and repaint it.  We will be putting that stove into Horeb Cabin (at the back of camp) where Miguel will live.  Danny replaced the serpentine (pipes in the stove that water runs through).  The water runs through the serpentine, where the water gets hot, then into a tank for storage.  This water is used for hot showers or hot water to wash dishes.  It's a great system.  The guys also got the wood stove installed permanently in the guest house.  It looks wonderful and feels even better on these cold days.


After (this is the only color high temp paint they sell here in Lican!)

rebuilding the serpentine

saudering used copper pipes from the guest house

running water though it to make sure there are no leaks

getting the pipes in for the wood stove

It has been very cold here the last few days.  Yesterday, the water in our five gallon buckets froze.  There was frost on the ground till noon.  We're in for a cold winter I think.

Well, that's all our news.  Thank you for your prayers,



Friday Tidings said...

Love the pictures and the stories to go with them! It's like visiting with you--only you're a long way away. God bless you all and thanks for sharing. May the Lord continue to work in you and through you!

Farrells three said...

Happy birthday Morgan!! Thanks for all for all of the news and pictures. Love you.