Saturday, May 12, 2012

More on the Caretaker's House

Dear Everybody,

Miguel went home for the weekend but we were able to put in a few hours of work on the house this afternoon.  The boys helped chip out some of the glue that was left since the removal of the ceramic tile in the bathroom.  Then Danny worked on getting down to the drain from the toilet.  This we will move farther away from the shower and then install the sink next to it.  Then we will retile and finish the shower.

Peanut loves working the jack hammer

Got down to the pipe!

these beams in the kitchen are the finished look we want for the entrance into the kitchen


Bedroom #1


Bedroom #2

the original front door will be walled up and that side of the room will be the dining room (right by the kicthen)

this is taken from the new entrance and this side is the living room side.  On the wall right beside the wheel barrow is where the wood stove will go.  We have some slate tile that we will put down first.  At the back of the living room is the last bedroom (#3).

Houses in Chile are framed up different than houses in the US.  To put up sheetrock or cement board in the bathroom, we need to add more studs to walls for the sheets to match.  This will add strength also.  Unfortunately the bearings went out in the skill saw.  Miguel took it apart and Danny bought new bearings for it but since he didn't tear the tool apart, he didn't want to make a mistake in putting it back together.  We were stuck not being able to get more walls done today but we did put plastic up on the holes where the windows will go.  We hope to install the wood stove in the house soon so that we can work with some warmth in the place.  It should also help dry things out too.

Today the temperatures definitely dropped.  We were keeping warm as best we could.  It was a beautiful fall day.

Enjoy the pictures.


1 comment:

Farrells three said...

Wow!! I can't wait to see the finished product. But I love the "step by step".